ice sports Tasmania Inc. news

Minister's Statement
'Since being sworn in as Minister for Sport and Recreation and being made aware of the matter, the consultation I have had with the parties involved, and the work that has been done to find a positive outcome for the users of the ice rink and Ice Sports community, has been extensive.
These discussions include many meetings with Ice Sports Tasmania, potential investors on the mainland, the Department of Communities Tasmania and the Department of State Growth.
I have asked the Department of Communities, in collaboration with the Department of State Growth, to work through the range of information that we have gathered to this point.
This work is underway and they will provide me with further advice in the next month as to what may be required to progress to the next steps.
One thing all parties can agree on, is that our goal should be building a new ice rink facility and securing the future of ice sports in Tasmania.
I can assure the local ice sports community that we remain committed to working constructively and positively with Ice Sports Tasmania, as every Tasmanian should have the opportunity to be active and participate in their chosen sport or pastime.’ - Hon Nic Street MP (19/5/2022)